Tagged with Christmas

Christmas Day Mk II

Christmas Day Mk II

Finally back in Houston, we were able to have Christmas Day Mark II. The girls had been surprisingly agreeable when we’d said that we wouldn’t be opening the presents as soon as we got home last night but would be waiting until the morning.  We decided that today would be Christmas Day the second as … Continue reading

Christmas in Crested Butte

Christmas in Crested Butte

Christmas in Crested Butte was truly beautiful.  Firstly we had to get a proper Christmas tree and it’s always nice decorating a tree – even better when you get to do two in one Christmas season! Christmas Eve was magical – not just being in a snowy place, but it also snowed from the moment … Continue reading

The true meaning of Christmas

Just as the Little One, who was 4 last month, was going to sleep on Christmas Eve she grabbed my hand and looked very serious. “Mummy, do you know what Christmas is really about?” “You tell me”, I answered with interest. “Love.” She closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Goodbye to the Elf

Goodbye to the Elf

The girls were very sad to see that the Elf had left us this morning. They had asked if he could stay all year but we had to explain that the Elf was needed to help Father Christmas at the North Pole. The good news is that both girls made the Nice List! And he … Continue reading

Elf Escapades 23rd December

Elf Escapades 23rd December

The Elf took a bit of finding this morning. The eagle eyes of the Little One caught sight of him first but she couldn’t get to him as he was stuck outside the door on the balcony! He was very cold so the girls tucked him up in a blanket and asked my Lovely Husband … Continue reading

Elf Escapades 22nd December

The Elf is obviously feeling very at home in Crested Butte. The cold, the snow and all the Christmas decorations remind him of the North Pole. This morning the girls found him at the very top of the newly decorated Christmas tree!

Elf Escapades 21st December

The Elf left the girls a present on the 21st. They had been so good on our journey to Crested Butte that the Elf brought them a bath bomb. How the Elf found a Lush shop between Gunnison and Crested Butte, I’ll never know. Must be that special Christmas magic. The girls were delighted to … Continue reading

Arriving in Gunnison

Arriving in Gunnison

The flight from Houston to Gunnison was surprisingly good, considering that heavy rain and strong winds had kept us awake half the night. The girls were very excited when we started to fly over mountains and saw snow. When we landed in Gunnison they could see snow everywhere, much more than when we were last … Continue reading

Giving Tree

Giving Tree

We live a life which is blessed.  I might complain a bit about having to live away from home, but (most of the time…) I do realise how lucky I am – we’re healthy, have enough money and are surrounded by people who love us (even if they’re not around the corner just at the … Continue reading

Elf Escapades 19th December

Elf Escapades 19th December

When I got up to make the girls a drink this morning I had to slide on my stomach to get out of our bedroom door because someone had done this in the night:   The girls thought this was hilarious.  As did the Elf who was watching from the bookshelf, with a slightly guilty … Continue reading