Elf Escapades 2nd December

Our Elf has been with us a couple of days now.  The first night he had a lot of fun.
The girls look for him every morning when they wake up.  On the morning of the second of December he was easy to find as he was on the shelf above the fireplace where he usually sits.  To their surprise he was holding the Sellotape.
” Why has he got that?” asked the Big One.
“What has he wrapped up?” asked the Little One.
There was a hunt around the ground floor for anything wrapped up.
Was there another book on the Christmas book pile?  No.
Were there any presents hiding anywhere?  No.
The girls looked in the fridge, in the shoe cupboard, on the stairs, in the toy box and the garage.  Nothing wrapped up at all anywhere.
Then they went into the downstairs bathroom and saw this:
They laughed so hard they had to sit down on the floor.  Then they ran to wake my Lovely Husband up so he could see.  After that came the best bit – unwrapping everything!

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  1. Pingback: Christmas books « longamericanholiday

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